Now let me tell you about my newest piece for Jeffrey's Heart Foundation. Recently my cousin Jeffrey was able to finally come back home after being in the hospital for a long while. He was diagnosed with non-compaction cardiomyopathy in July 2011. Although my family found another designer to go with I did want to help out so I designed a website mock-up (screenshots of it can be seen right below) and a campaign based on the mission.
My idea for the campaign was a simple one to show gratitude and support. I dubbed it, "Show a little Heart, Wear a little Heart." Plans to go with it is still in the approval stage. Here are mock-ups of the shirts using the models from DesignedByHumans T-shirt mock-ups. I was going for something easy and simple.
If you would like to help donate to help out Jeffrey and his mother Clarissa, please check out this link (LINK) or donate right through paypal and like Jeffrey's Heart Foundation on facebook for more info on the family and Jeffrey's condition. We thank everyone for all their generosity ans support in these trying times.